General Division

Resource and Planning Stream
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Lodging an appeal

For more information please read Practice Direction 1 and Information Sheet 2.

Please contact us if you have difficulty with viewing or printing the documents.

Joining as a party to an appeal

Please read Information Sheet 3 and Practice Direction 2 for further information.

Apply as early as possible and before the preliminary conference, if possible.

Notification of appeals

The Tribunal notifies each party to an appeal by letter.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you provide an email address, the Tribunal will use that address as it's primary method of contact and provision of information and will not forward hard copy documentation unless specifically requested. It is vital that you ensure you provide the Tribunal with your correct email and that you check your email account on a daily basis in the event of important communications from the Tribunal. When you receive initial material from the Tribunal, you will be directed to confirm receipt of that material so the Tribunal can confirm it has your correct email address.  Maximum e-mail size is 10MB.

Schedule 2, Part 8, Clause 7 of the TASCAT Act 2020 identifies who are the parties who must be notified. Please note that the Tribunal does not notify a person who made representations during the Council's assessment of the proposal. Once a decision has been made by the Council, persons who made representations should actively check the Public Notices section of the local newspaper circulating in their municipal area for Tribunal advertisements as to whether an appeal has been lodged.

A notice of the appeal and of the date for the directions hearing is put in the Public Notices section of the local newspaper.