Protective Division

Guardianship Stream
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When do I need an order?

Very few people require an order of the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.  Generally an application is only required if there is a problem that cannot be solved without a legally appointed decision-maker.

For example:

  • complex financial transactions (e.g. sale of a house, restrictions on an investment account) are required on behalf of the person and the person has lost capacity to make those transactions
  • a person with a disability is being neglected, exploited or abused
  • disputes arise within a family (or between a family and service providers) about the kind of support a person with a disability needs and who should provide it
  • a person with a disability objects to a plan for his or her care that is supported by family, friends and service providers

In these situations, it is sometimes necessary for the Tribunal to appoint a guardian or an administrator to make the required decision.

For more information please see our fact sheets.