Protective Division

Guardianship Stream
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What if I don't agree with the Tribunal's decision?

If the Tribunal makes a decision you disagree with and you are an aggrieved party you can write to the Tribunal and ask for a statement of reasons.

You may appeal to the Supreme Court to review the decision of the Tribunal. If you think you may wish to appeal you should seek independent legal advice about the decision and the Supreme Court process.

Your rights to a statement of reasons are in Schedule 3, Part 4, section of the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2020 and your appeal right is explained in section 136.

More information is in the Tribunal's Fact Sheet - What if I don't agree with a decision of the Tribunal?

What if the circumstances have changed after an order has been made?

Tribunal decisions remain in place for a maximum of three years and are then reviewed. If major changes occur which may affect the decision made by the Tribunal, an application for review may be made prior to the scheduled review date.

If you feel that the Tribunal should conduct a review then you should contact the Tribunal's office.