General Division

Personal Compensation Stream

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation
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Here are some links to relevant sections of the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988 :

Section 25 Liability of employers to compensate workers for injuries
Section 32 Notice of injury and claim for compensation
Section 33 Form or notice of injury
Section 33A Employers notice to workers of right to claim
Section 42 General reference of claims for compensation to the Tribunal
Section 77AA Disputes about claims for expenses where liability has been accepted
Section 81A Disputes of liability for weekly payments and other benefits
Section 86 Cases in which an employer may terminate or reduce payments
Section 88 Review of weekly payments
Section 77AB Disputes about claims for expenses up to $5,000 where liability has not been accepted
Section 132A Settlement by agreement
Section 69 Amount of compensation in case of incapacity
Section 69B Period for which benefits are payable
Section 71 Compensation for permanent impairment
Section 138AB Claims for damages
Section 70 Computation of normal weekly earnings
Section 143P Disputes about injury management
Section 90A Independent medical reviews
Section 90B Reports in relation to reviews
Section 90C Disagreements about reviews
Section 90D Reliance on medical reports

Some other useful links are:

WorkSafe Tasmania
